Maintenance Agreements

We know that the last thing that most people and businesses need is to worry about whether their website is up and running or having issues. 

At MCCOWN WEB SERVICES, we will monitor your website to ensure maximum UP-time and help avoid any issues that may occur. We will also assist in upgrades or improvements to your website.

The overall agreement will consist of the following: 

  • MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will work together with your hosting company to monitor the client’s web page for uptime and other Host Server issues. If the website is offline for more than a 2-hour period (standard system resolution time), MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will communicate with your hosting company to resolve the issue. Notification will be sent to the client immediately to inform of the issue. Once the issue is resolved, MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will send a report to the client 
  • MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will, upon written request from the client, add, remove, and edit the content of the web page to ensure accurate information has been maintained. 
  • Other updates, redesigns, changes not covered but the maintenance agreement may be performed at the client’s request and will bill as separate items. 
  • MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will be responsible for all project materials and information during any development stage and will communicate any issues or delays to the client within a reasonable period.