Basic Liability and Responsibilities

Data and information: 

The client may maintain the copyright to the web site and its content, however, as the designer, MCCOWN WEB SERVICES does retain intellectual property rights to design concept.  

Depending on the project parameters, MCCOWN WEB SERVICES may need access to any hosting information such as log in and password for the host site, current HTML, Java, CSS or other web site data. If such information is necessary, MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will take every reasonable effort to ensure the security and take full responsibility of such information. To avoid any delays in the project, if requested, the client will need to provide such information within 2 business days of the request. To ensure the project can be completed within a reasonable amount of time, all previous data files must be free of password protection. If previous data is not available, MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will create new data files to replace any existing files however, Host service access data may still be required.  

Cancelation Agreement: 

Both the Client or MCCOWN WEB SERVICES has the right to cancel this agreement for any reason. All cancelations must be received in writing to the other party. 

If the Client wishes to cancel this agreement for any reason, such cancelation must be received in writing no later than 30 business days of the estimated completion date at which time the Client will receive return of all materials and deposits within 30 days of the cancelation date less any extraneous expenses need for the fulfillment of the agreement. (Domain/Hosting fees, Web site add-ons, Widgets, etc.) 

MCCOWN WEB SERVICES also reserves the right to cancelation of the project. If for any reason MCCOWN WEB SERVICES is unable to fulfill its obligation to this agreement, the Client will receive a written notice of cancelation within 30 prior to the following billing. Any overpayments for services not rendered will be refunded to the client within 30 days of final contract date.  

Warranty of Service: 

MCCOWN WEB SERVICES will work to maintain and update the above-mentioned web site based on all instructions of the client. If at any time within the first 30 days, the client finds faults or issues with the work of MCCOWN WEB SERVICES, the client must, within a reasonable time, contact MCCOWN WEB SERVICES to correct such issues. If such issues are not corrected within 7 business days of the date of notification of the issue, or there is no reasonable way to correct the issue, the client maintains the right to withhold payment until such possible corrections are made. MCCOWN WEB SERVICES cannot be responsible for services offered by 3rd party hosting services, domain registrants or other off-site sources. Any issues that are determined to be the fault of any 3rd party service must be addressed to that service.